Emergency medical technician training programs in order for these specialists to get their certification tend to greatly vary from course to course. Each of these courses must meet local as well as national requirements. Here in the United States an EMT-B must receive medical training in the classroom of at least 110 hours; however, this often reaches or exceeds 120 hours. As the EMT progresses up to an EMT-I, he generally receives approximately 200 - 400 hours of training in the medical field. Finally, the EMT-P is trained for over 1,000 hours.
Additionally, in order to keep the EMT's certification up to date, the EMT must take a certain number of continuing education credits. For instance, in order to keep their NREMT certification current, an EMT-B must get up to 48 hours of additional continuing education credits or else he may either complete a refresher course totaling 24 hours or he may complete 24 more hours of continuing education credits that would cover the same topics as the refresher course. A similar pattern is followed by the other levels when it comes time for their recertification.
Emergency medical technician medical training programs tend to vary a great deal in calendar length either in the number of days or even months. If an EMT-B wishes to follow a fast track program, they are usually finished in two weeks but are very concentrated. Classes usually last for 8 to 12 hours a day for typically for two weeks or maybe more. Other training programs for medical purposes require months to complete. If a paramedic is going for an associate's degree, that will take up to 2 years. In addition to every level's progressive education, the EMT may also have to take part in clinical rotations particularly for levels that go beyond the EMT-Basic.
EMT students must also spend a certain amount of time riding in an ambulance. They must also spend time on a number of different hospital services such as obstetrics, surgery, emergency medicine and psychiatry so that they may complete a course in order to qualify for the certification examination. The number of clinical hours an EMT must spend in an ambulance as well as in the hospital will depend upon local requirements, the level in which the student is trying to obtain plus the amount of time the student takes in order to show competency.
One can find EMT training programs in a variety of settings such as universities, technical schools, community colleges, EMS academies or hospitals. In the United States each state has an EMS lead agency or emergency medical services at the state office that will regulate and accredit EMT training programs. One will find that many of these offices will have a website on the Internet which provides information to both individuals and to the public who express an interest in becoming an EMT.
Therefore, if you truly have an interest in helping people and like to work in different situations, then perhaps being an EMT is exactly what the doctor ordered!
For more great information about emt training we have a range of great tools and resources on our website http://youremttrainingguide.com so visit us today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elijah_James
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